Source: core/plugin/GlobalRendering.js

 * @file Defines the class to create "scene level" rendering plugins. These plugins
 * implement rendering passes that are not tied to a particular mesh layer, but
 * affect the whole scene. 

 * @class Base class to create rendering plugins that are not tied to a mesh layer.
 * @param {Object} parameters - The plugin parameters (see {@link MLJ.core.plugin.BaseRendering}
 * for details). Note that for this rendering class <code>parameters.toggle</code>
 * is forced to <true>
 * @memberOf MLJ.core.plugin
MLJ.core.plugin.GlobalRendering = function (parameters) {
    var renderingClass = "mlj_rendering_scene";
    parameters.toggle = true;, parameters, renderingClass);

    var _this = this;

    var btn = this.getButton();
    // Changes to button state
    btn.onToggle(function (on, event) {
        if (on) {

    // Suppress right clicks
    btn.onRightButtonClicked(function () {});
    $(document).on("SceneLayerAdded SceneLayerReloaded SceneLayerRemoved", function (event, meshFile, layersNumber) {
        if (btn.isOn()) {

    $(document).on("SceneLayerUpdated", function (event, meshFile) {
    if (parameters.applyOnEvent !== undefined) {
        // TODO

    $(document).on("SceneLayerSelected", function (event, meshFile) {
        // TODO layer selection should not affect scene level rendering plugins

    //Prevents context menu opening
    $(document).ready(function () {
        $(this).on("contextmenu", function (e) {
            if (btn.$.find("img").prop("outerHTML") === $("outerHTML")) {

    _this._setOnParamChange(function (callback, value) {
        // 'callback' is whatever was passed as bindTo, 'value' is the value of
        // the parameter
        if (jQuery.isFunction(callback)) {

MLJ.extend(MLJ.core.plugin.BaseRendering, MLJ.core.plugin.GlobalRendering);